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Requirements To Become A Police Officer In South Africa | Careers Portal

Requirements To Become A Police Officer In South Africa | Careers Portal
Requirements To Become A Police Officer In South Africa | Careers Portal

South Africans have low trust in their police. Here’s why [1]

Perceived fairness and effectiveness: Past in-depth research has shown that the South African public strongly emphasises both fairness and effectiveness as important elements in their overall assessments of confidence in police.

South Africans have low trust in their police. Here’s why
South Africans have low trust in their police. Here’s why

South Africa’s police: at times proud, at times shamed by the work they do [2]

Rather, many South African police officers are the products of the same forces that shape the “criminals” against whom they are pitted.

South Africa’s police: at times proud, at times shamed by the work they do
South Africa’s police: at times proud, at times shamed by the work they do

Police in South Africa Struggle to Gain Trust After Apartheid [3]

In impoverished black townships like Alexandra, the enmity between the police and black South Africans was so bad in the mid-1980s that residents chased away black police officers who lived in the township by burning down their family homes.

Police in South Africa Struggle to Gain Trust After Apartheid
Police in South Africa Struggle to Gain Trust After Apartheid

South African Police Service [4]

34 miners were killed and 78 miners injured, causing anger and public outcry, fueled by reports that most of the victims were shot from behind[67] and many shot far from police lines.[68] It later emerged that the violence had actually started on 11 August when leaders from the National Union of Mineworkers opened fire on striking NUM members killing two.[69] It is alleged that police did nothing in the aftermath thereby creating a situation in which workers felt that they would have to use other means to protect themselves.[70] Between 12 and 14 August, approximately 8 more people were killed including two policemen and two security guards.[71] It is the country’s deadliest incident between police and the civilian population since the Sharpeville Massacre of 1960, and has been referred to as a turning-point in post-1994 South Africa.[72][73][74]

South African Police Service
South African Police Service

Two female police officers appointed in top positions [5]

The national commissioner of the South African Police Service (SAPS), General Khehla John Sitole, has announced the appointment of two female officers in top management positions.

Two female police officers appointed in top positions
Two female police officers appointed in top positions

South Africa lost 20,000 police officers in the past five years – and new hires can’t keep up [6]

South Africa lost 20,000 police officers in the past five years – and new hires can’t keep up

South Africa lost 20,000 police officers in the past five years – and new hires can’t keep up
South Africa lost 20,000 police officers in the past five years – and new hires can’t keep up

A team of female police officers took down an armed gang without firing… [7]

KwaZulu-Natal, South Africa – It is pretty exciting seeing girl power in action! Especially when it is done efficiently and by the book! A group of four female police officers, all newly recruited, caught six armed robbers in Durban’s city centre.

A team of female police officers took down an armed gang without firing...
A team of female police officers took down an armed gang without firing…

South African Police Officers Detain Women to Rape Them: Report [8]

JOHANNESBURG, South Africa — A report into crimes committed by South Africa’s police force draws a disturbing picture: dozens of officers charged for the murders, armed robberies and rapes of citizens they are sworn to protect.

South African Police Officers Detain Women to Rape Them: Report
South African Police Officers Detain Women to Rape Them: Report

Four South African police officers arrested for assaulting Nigerian citizen [9]

Four South African police officers were on Wednesday, arrested for allegedly assaulting a Nigerian citizen and beating him into a state of coma.

Four South African police officers arrested for assaulting Nigerian citizen
Four South African police officers arrested for assaulting Nigerian citizen

South African police minister cites dubious UN standard as he calls for 60,000 more officers [10]

– Experts say the number of police officers alone will not solve South Africa’s crime problem and quality of policing also matters.

South African police minister cites dubious UN standard as he calls for 60,000 more officers
South African police minister cites dubious UN standard as he calls for 60,000 more officers

Average Police Officer salary in South Africa 2023 [11]

Police officers earn an average base salary of R14,209.00 per month in South Africa.

Average Police Officer salary in South Africa 2023
Average Police Officer salary in South Africa 2023

Police kill three people in three days of lockdown. This is normal for South Africa [12]

Since Friday, videos on social media showing abuse by police officers during the first weekend of the national lockdown have outraged South Africans.

Police kill three people in three days of lockdown. This is normal for South Africa
Police kill three people in three days of lockdown. This is normal for South Africa

570 South African police officers succumb to COVID-19 [13]

A total of 570 police officers have succumbed to COVID-19 in South Africa while over 27,000 were infected, said Police Minister Bheki Cele on Friday.

570 South African police officers succumb to COVID-19
570 South African police officers succumb to COVID-19

Career profile: Police officer – Solidariteit Wêreld Loopbaan [14]

According to the SAPS, police officers are appointed in terms of the South African Police Service Act, 1995 (Act 68 of 1995).

Career profile: Police officer - Solidariteit Wêreld Loopbaan
Career profile: Police officer – Solidariteit Wêreld Loopbaan

South Africa: Spike in gun crime angers citizens – DW – 03 [15]

Many South Africans are outraged at the police service, accusing it of doing very little to tackle the country’s escalating crime rate.

South Africa: Spike in gun crime angers citizens – DW – 03
South Africa: Spike in gun crime angers citizens – DW – 03

ISS: Thousands of new SA police recruits may yield little benefit [16]

The question of how many police officers would be optimal for South Africa remains open.

ISS: Thousands of new SA police recruits may yield little benefit
ISS: Thousands of new SA police recruits may yield little benefit

SAPS Ranks Structure and The Salaries They Go With [17]

However, on a general scale, South Africa’s government ensures that all police officers in South Africa are paid above the country’s minimum wage.

SAPS Ranks Structure and The Salaries They Go With
SAPS Ranks Structure and The Salaries They Go With

The South African Police Service Salary System – Greater Good SA [18]

Police officers in South Africa are paid according to a rank and step system.

The South African Police Service Salary System – Greater Good SA
The South African Police Service Salary System – Greater Good SA

67 police officers committed suicide in the last two years – Cele [19]

There has been an increase in the number of suicides by South African Police Service officers.

67 police officers committed suicide in the last two years – Cele
67 police officers committed suicide in the last two years – Cele

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