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THIS Is How Long It Took Noah to Build the Ark

THIS Is How Long It Took Noah to Build the Ark
THIS Is How Long It Took Noah to Build the Ark

How Long Did It Take Noah To Build the Ark? [1]

Speaking of which, 1 Peter 3:20 says, “when once the longsuffering of God waited in the days of Noah, while the ark was a preparing, wherein few, that is, eight souls were saved by water.” This implies that it took some time to build the Ark, though perhaps not so long as some have supposed. I think we can be assured that He gave Noah 120 years of warning and gave Noah the task of building an Ark with ample room so that any who repented of their wickedness might be saved also; however while God was willing to save them, they were unwilling to repent.

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How Long Did It Take Noah To Build the Ark?
How Long Did It Take Noah To Build the Ark?

How Long Did It Take Noah To Build the Ark? – Christianity FAQ [2]

Readers of Genesis often have many questions about the flood story, one of which is how long it took for Noah to build the ark.

How Long Did It Take Noah To Build the Ark? – Christianity FAQ
How Long Did It Take Noah To Build the Ark? – Christianity FAQ

Noah’s Ark [3]

Searches for Noah’s Ark have been made from at least the time of Eusebius (c.275–339 CE) to the present day.[57] In the 1st century, Jewish historian Flavius Josephus claimed the remaining pieces of Noah’s Ark had been found in Armenia, at the mountain of the Cordyaeans, which is nowadays Mount Ararat in Turkey.[58] Today, the practice is widely regarded as pseudoarchaeology.[57][2][59] Various locations for the ark have been suggested but have never been confirmed.[60][61] Search sites have included Durupınar site, a site on Mount Tendürek in eastern Turkey and Mount Ararat, but geological investigation of possible remains of the ark has only shown natural sedimentary formations.[62] While biblical literalists maintain the Ark’s existence in archaeological history, much of its scientific feasibility along with that of the deluge has been contested.[63][64]

Noah's Ark
Noah’s Ark

Noah’s Ark [4]

What was the real Noah’s ark like? How many animals did the ark carry? Was there a global flood? Here are answers to these questions and more from the Ark Encounter.

Noah’s Ark
Noah’s Ark

How Long Did it Take Noah to Build the Ark? (and What We Can Learn from It) [5]

How Long Did it Take Noah to Build the Ark? (and What We Can Learn from It)

How Long Did it Take Noah to Build the Ark? (and What We Can Learn from It)
How Long Did it Take Noah to Build the Ark? (and What We Can Learn from It)

Yes, Noah did build an Ark! [6]

However, anyone familiar with our arguments should have no trouble demolishing Jeremy Bowen’s willingly ignorant attacks in Did Noah really build an ark? from the BBC website.

Yes, Noah did build an Ark!
Yes, Noah did build an Ark!

When did Noah build the Ark? [7]

Redford’s response was simply, “When did Noah build the ark Gladys? Before the rain, before the rain.”

When did Noah build the Ark?
When did Noah build the Ark?

How Long Did it Take Noah to Build the Ark, and Why It Matters [8]

How long did Noah take to build the Ark mentioned in the Bible? And why do we care? The Bible doesn’t say exactly how long, and not much is known about the ship-building process when Noah was alive—especially a ship commissioned by God.

How Long Did it Take Noah to Build the Ark, and Why It Matters
How Long Did it Take Noah to Build the Ark, and Why It Matters

Noah’s Ark [9]

Even if Noah could build a wooden Ark strong enough to survive a yearlong Flood, how could he house and feed all those animals?

Noah’s Ark
Noah’s Ark

How Long Did Noah Take To Build the Ark? [10]

Answer: Before we tackle how long did it take Noah to construct the ark we should cover a little background information about this fascinating man and the incredible feat he accomplished.

How Long Did Noah Take To Build the Ark?
How Long Did Noah Take To Build the Ark?

‘Noah’ Featurette: How to Build an Ark [11]

So how did director Darren Aronofsky and his crew pull off the construction of the ark for their upcoming Biblical epic, “Noah”? The old-fashioned way: They actually constructed an ark.

‘Noah’ Featurette: How to Build an Ark
‘Noah’ Featurette: How to Build an Ark

God Intends to Destroy the World With a Flood and Instructs Noah to Build an Ark [12]

Did he ask God or did he know how long it would take to build the ark? He did not know that either.

God Intends to Destroy the World With a Flood and Instructs Noah to Build an Ark
God Intends to Destroy the World With a Flood and Instructs Noah to Build an Ark

Why Noah’s Ark will never be found [13]

“With no mature trees available for Noah and his family to build shelters after they got off the Ark, there is every reason to expect they dismantled the Ark (which they didn’t need anymore) to salvage timber from it,” he says.

Why Noah’s Ark will never be found
Why Noah’s Ark will never be found

Who helped Noah build the Ark? [14]

Does the Bible say who else build the Ark with Noah? Did Noah’s kids help him build the Ark? Did God instruct Noah to hire people to help build the Ark? Was Noah supposed to build the Ark on his own? Stick around to get the answers to these questions and more. Unlike in the book of Exodus 31, when God told Moses that he had already chosen people and given them skills to help them build the Tabernacle, with Noah, God just gave him the instructions to build the Ark and how it should look like.

This is how you are to build it: the Ark is to be three hundred cubits long, fifty cubits wide, and thirty cubits high. Make rooms in the Ark, and cover it inside out with pitch.” God did not instruct Noah that he had to build the Ark by himself but just entrusted him with the responsibility of building the Ark.

Who helped Noah build the Ark?
Who helped Noah build the Ark?

Lesson 17: Genesis 6:13–9:29 [15]

How would Noah be blessed by acting in faith to build the ark when there appeared to be no danger?

Lesson 17: Genesis 6:13–9:29
Lesson 17: Genesis 6:13–9:29

Thursday Thought – How did Noah and his family survive on the Ark? [16]

Thursday Thought – How did Noah and his family survive on the Ark?

Thursday Thought - How did Noah and his family survive on the Ark?
Thursday Thought – How did Noah and his family survive on the Ark?

Noah Builds an Ark and Loads the Animals [17]

– How many of each kind of animal did God tell Noah to put into the ark? Two of every kind (a male and a female), and seven pairs of each kind of clean animal (animals that could be eaten) and seven pairs of each kind of bird.

Noah Builds an Ark and Loads the Animals
Noah Builds an Ark and Loads the Animals

God tells Noah to build an ark [18]

He gave Noah specific directions on how to build and equip an ark that would survive the flood.

God tells Noah to build an ark
God tells Noah to build an ark

What are some of the most common questions about Noah’s Ark? [19]

How long did it take Noah to build the ark? The Bible does not specifically say how long it took Noah to build the ark. The time it took to build the ark would depend on how much time passed between Genesis 6:14, when God commanded Noah to build the ark; and Genesis 7:1, when God commanded Noah to enter the ark.

How many of each type of animal did Noah take on the ark? Seven pairs of each kind of clean animal and one pair of each kind of other animals were taken on the ark (Genesis 6:19-20; 7:2-3).

What are some of the most common questions about Noah’s Ark?
What are some of the most common questions about Noah’s Ark?

How Did Noah Build the Ark? [20]

– Noah didn’t have modern tools, so you shouldn’t use modern tools to build the Ark.2 First, as stated above, no one knows what tools Noah had. Second, we live in modern world, so we are obviously going to use modern tools! We didn’t set out to build the Ark with tools Noah might have had, as we have no idea what they were.

– You should be building it on water to show it floats!6 We didn’t build our Ark to float, for one, because there’s never going to be another global Flood (Genesis 9:15; Isaiah 54:9).

How Did Noah Build the Ark?
How Did Noah Build the Ark?

The Story of Noah and the Great Flood​—Is It Just a Myth? [21]

The Bible does not say how long it took Noah to build the ark, but it seems that he spent several decades building it.

The Story of Noah and the Great Flood​—Is It Just a Myth?
The Story of Noah and the Great Flood​—Is It Just a Myth?

Biblical Archaeology Society [22]

So does ancient biblical art help us answer the question, “How did Noah build the ark?” It may seem odd, but early Christian and Jewish artists of the early first millennium C.E.

Biblical Archaeology Society
Biblical Archaeology Society

Wikipedia [23]

Like Noah, Deucalion is warned of the flood (by Zeus and Poseidon); he builds an ark and staffs it with creatures – and when he completes his voyage, gives thanks and takes advice from the gods on how to repopulate the Earth.


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